Time to look for stolen art on howrse again.
27 votes
Go to community -> creation space. Then you find a list. Or try this link: www.howrse.com/member/creation…
Found more than 10 pieces of my own work and had to spend like an hour reporting stuff. Highly suggest you guys check for your own, cause this batch seem to be bad :/
If you EVEEER see MY art on Howrse, you can report it right away - I hate howrse and would NEVER upload art for coats on there, unless Howrse paid me real money.
Some dA members choose to use their art on Howrse, so unless you guys report your own art on there it's impossible to know what is stolen and what is not :/
Sim games that allow members to upload art are so tiresome ... they should pay an artist real money to do sim art only for them, not pay fake value stuff to players, cause 30% of that art is stolen :(
Already been through list myself - go check for your own art of art by people you wants, that was stolen.

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JNFerrigno's avatar
Just read all the lines there are your poll. Only 30% ? LOL I think it's got to be more than that, as over half that stuff is traced or direct paint over from a photo I have seen. On a different note, I wish games like this, which advertise on an international level, have a customer service department which can type in clear English as well as know what to do. Once again, I'm having very little success reporting stolen art to them.